The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Includes President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address - Barack Obama, Stephanie Beacham, Theodore Bikel, David Birney, Christopher Cazenove, Burt Reynolds & Loretta Swit

The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Includes President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address

By Barack Obama, Stephanie Beacham, Theodore Bikel, David Birney, Christopher Cazenove, Burt Reynolds & Loretta Swit

  • Release Date: 1999-12-01
  • Genre: History
  • © 1999 Phoenix Books, Inc.

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The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Inclu Barack Obama, Stephanie Beacham, Theodore Bikel, David Birney, Christopher Cazenove, Burt Reynolds & Loretta Swit

Summary : The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Includes President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address

"This baker's dozen of speeches capture historic moments and feature some of the most compelling orators of all time—from Socrates, Queen Elizabeth, Patrick Henry, and Abraham Lincoln to such twentieth century icons as Susan B. Anthony, Winston Churchill, and Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to the recreation of speeches, this collection includes original recordings by four American presidents— Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and most recently, Barack Obama. Included in this collection are:

"Apology" by Socrates (read by Christopher Cazenove)
"The Golden Speech" by Queen Elizabeth I (read by Stephanie Beacham)
"Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death" by Patrick Henry (read by David Birney)
"Gettysburg Address" by Abraham Lincoln (read by Burt Reynolds)
"Women's Right to Suffrage" by Susan B. Anthony (read by Loretta Swit)
"A Jewish State" by David Ben-Gurion (read by Theodore Bikel)
"Cross of Gold" by William Jennings Bryan (original recording)
"Inaugural Address – 1933" by Franklin D. Roosevelt (original recording)
"Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" by Winston Churchill (original recording)
"Inaugural Address" by John F. Kennedy (original recording)
"I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr. (original recording)
"The Berlin Wall" by Ronald Reagan (original recording)
"Inaugural Address – 2009" by Barack Obama (original recording) "

(Tags : The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Includes President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address Barack Obama, Stephanie Beacham, Theodore Bikel, David Birney, Christopher Cazenove, Burt Reynolds & Loretta Swit Audiobook, Barack Obama, Stephanie Beacham, Theodore Bikel, David Birney, Christopher Cazenove, Burt Reynolds & Loretta Swit Audio CD )