This classic tale begins on Christmas Eve, when young Marie Stahlbaum and her siblings open their Christmas presents. One toy, a Nutcracker who looks like a soldier, soon become Marie’s favourite gift. That night, the Nutcracker comes to life and battles the evil Mouse King.
Once Marie discovers how the Nutcracker came to be cursed, she has many decisions to make. Will she help the Nutcracker defeat the Mouse King? Will she help break his curse? And will she return to the magical kingdom, populated by dolls, to be with her beloved Nutcracker?
In this unabridged edition, E. T. A. Hoffmann’s timeless fantasy leaps from the chapter as the author originally intended. Discover his rich and enchanting world in this new English translation.
(Tags : Nutcracker and Mouse King: The Timeless Christmas Fairytale (Unabridged) E. T. A. Hoffmann Audiobook, E. T. A. Hoffmann Audio CD )