Living the Victorious Life: Mastery of the Heart and Mind: Self-Realization of Higher Nature - James Allen

Living the Victorious Life: Mastery of the Heart and Mind: Self-Realization of Higher Nature

By James Allen

  • Release Date: 2024-12-04
  • Genre: Self-Development
  • © 2024 Intelligent Reads

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Living the Victorious Life: Mastery of t James Allen

Summary : Living the Victorious Life: Mastery of the Heart and Mind: Self-Realization of Higher Nature

Do you want to look upon life through a purer heart and a wiser mind, and understand the benign law of Truth in all things? To come to know how you truly are a responsible, self-acting being and master of your own will, in a universe not of chaos, but of order, law, and over-ruling good?

In the course of this book James Allen helps us open our mind’s eye to the place of insight, so that reality stands revealed; the reality of "things-in-themselves." He shows us the role of heart and mind in achieving a victorious life, and what are the elements, in character and conduct, which go to build up the life of calm strength and superlative victory. A success so invincible and complete that even apparent defeats shine with added victory, and the universe again rejoices in the triumph of good, and hails another conqueror, YOU.

(Tags : Living the Victorious Life: Mastery of the Heart and Mind: Self-Realization of Higher Nature James Allen Audiobook, James Allen Audio CD )