This superb collection of nine detective stories focuses on the police procedural genre where crime investigation takes on a sense of reality. Written by some of the greats— including Edgar Award Grand Masters Tony Hillerman, Edward D. Hoch, John D. MacDonald, and Ed McBain— these classic stories include:
• “ Death Makes a Comeback” by James O'Keefe
• “ Squealer” by John D. MacDonald
• “ Jode's Last Hunt” by Brian Garfield
• “ The Man in the Red Flannel Suit” by Jan Grape
• “ The Vanishing Men” by Edward D. Hoch
• “ A Contest Fit for a Queen” by Susan Dunlap
• “ Chee's Witch” by Tony Hillerman
• “ Ghost Station” by Carolyn Wheat
• “ J” by Ed McBain
(Tags : The Vanishing Men Martin Greenberg, Jan Grape, Susan Dunlap, Edward Hoch, Brian Garfield & Tony Hillerman Audiobook, Martin Greenberg, Jan Grape, Susan Dunlap, Edward Hoch, Brian Garfield & Tony Hillerman Audio CD )